David C. Collins
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As of January 2024:
Star Formation
Collapsing molecular clouds with tracer particles: Part II, Collapse Histories
2023 arXiv e-prints arXiv:2306.10320
Collins, Le, Jimenez Vela
Collapsing molecular clouds with tracer particles - I. What collapses?
2023 MNRAS 520 3 4194-4208
Collins, Le, Jimenez Vela
The Anatomy of the Column Density Probability Distribution Function (N-PDF)
2018 The Astrophysical Journal 859 2 162
Chen, Burkhart, Goodman, Collins
GMC Collisions as Triggers of Star Formation. III. Density and Magnetically Regulated Star Formation
2017 The Astrophysical Journal 841 2 88
Wu, Tan, Christie, Nakamura, Van Loo, Collins
GMC Collisions as Triggers of Star Formation. II. 3D Turbulent, Magnetized Simulations
2017 The Astrophysical Journal 835 2 137
Wu, Tan, Nakamura, Van Loo, Christie, Collins
The Razor's Edge of Collapse: The Transition Point from Lognormal to Power-Law Distributions in Molecular Clouds
2017 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 834 1 L1
Burkhart, Stalpes, Collins
Matching dust emission structures and magnetic field in high-latitude cloud L1642: comparing Herschel and Planck maps
2016 MNRAS 460 2 1934-1945
Malinen, Montier, Montillaud, Juvela, Ristorcelli, Clark, Berne, Bernard, Pelkonen, Collins
Observational Diagnostics of Self-gravitating MHD Turbulence in Giant Molecular Clouds
2015 The Astrophysical Journal 808 1 48
Burkhart, Collins, Lazarian
Local support against gravity in magnetoturbulent fluids
2013 MNRAS 431 4 3196-3215
Schmidt, Collins, Kritsuk
The Two States of Star-forming Clouds
2012 The Astrophysical Journal 750 1 13
Collins, Kritsuk, Padoan, Li, Xu, Ustyugov, Norman
Accuracy of core mass estimates in simulated observations of dust emission
2011 Astronomy and Astrophysics 530 A101
Malinen, Juvela, Collins, Lunttila, Padoan
Mass and Magnetic Distributions in Self-gravitating Super-Alfvenic Turbulence with Adaptive Mesh Refinement
2011 The Astrophysical Journal 731 1 59
Collins, Padoan, Norman, Xu
The Effect of Projection on Derived Mass-Size and Linewidth-Size Relationships
2010 The Astrophysical Journal 712 2 1049-1056
Shetty, Collins, Kauffmann, Goodman, Rosolowsky, Norman
The Biermann Battery in Cosmological MHD Simulations of Population III Star Formation
2008 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 688 2 L57
Xu, O'Shea, Collins, Norman, Li, Li
Statistics of Energy in Isothermal Supersonic Turbulence
2023 arXiv e-prints arXiv:2312.13198
Rabatin, Collins
Density and velocity correlations in isothermal supersonic turbulence
2023 MNRAS 525 1 297-310
Rabatin, Collins
Finite shock model of density in supersonic turbulence
2023 MNRAS 521 1 L64-L69
Rabatin, Collins
The driving mode of shock-driven turbulence
2022 MNRAS 514 2 1782-1800
Dhawalikar, Federrath, Davidovits, Teyssier, Nagel, Remington, Collins
Turbulence generation by shock interaction with a highly nonuniform medium
2022 Physical Review E 105 6 065206
Davidovits, Federrath, Teyssier, Raman, Collins, Nagel
The Catalogue for Astrophysical Turbulence Simulations (CATS)
2020 The Astrophysical Journal 905 1 14
Burkhart, Appel, Bialy, Cho, Christensen, Collins, Federrath, Fielding, Finkbeiner, Hill, Ibanez-Mejia, Krumholz, Lazarian, Li, Mocz, Mac Low, Naiman, Portillo, Shane, Slepian, Yuan
Self-generated Turbulence in Magnetic Reconnection
2015 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 806 1 L12
Oishi, Mac Low, Collins, Tamura
Comparing Numerical Methods for Isothermal Magnetized Supersonic Turbulence
2011 The Astrophysical Journal 737 1 13
Kritsuk, Nordlund, Collins, Padoan, Norman, Abel, Banerjee, Federrath, Flock, Lee, Li, Mueller, Teyssier, Ustyugov, Vogel, Xu
CMB Foregrounds
The Power Spectra of Polarized, Dusty Filaments
2020 The Astrophysical Journal 899 1 31
Huffenberger, Rotti, Collins
The Impact of Enhanced Halo Resolution on the Simulated Circumgalactic Medium
2019 The Astrophysical Journal 882 2 156
Hummels, Smith, Hopkins, O'Shea, Silvia, Werk, Lehner, Wise, Collins, Butsky
Length Scales and Turbulent Properties of Magnetic Fields in Simulated Galaxy Clusters
2016 arXiv e-prints arXiv:1601.05083
Egan, O'Shea, Hallman, Burns, Xu, Collins, Li, Norman
Cosmological Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Galaxy Cluster Radio Relics: Insights and Warnings for Observations
2013 The Astrophysical Journal 765 1 21
Skillman, Xu, Hallman, O'Shea, Burns, Li, Collins, Norman
Comparisons of Cosmological Magnetohydrodynamic Galaxy Cluster Simulations to Radio Observations
2012 The Astrophysical Journal 759 1 40
Xu, Govoni, Murgia, Li, Collins, Norman, Cen, Feretti, Giovannini
Evolution and Distribution of Magnetic Fields from Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Clusters. II. The Effects of Cluster Size and Dynamical State
2011 The Astrophysical Journal 739 2 77
Xu, Li, Collins, Li, Norman
Evolution and Distribution of Magnetic Fields from Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Clusters. I. The Effect of Injection Energy and Redshift
2010 The Astrophysical Journal 725 2 2152-2165
Xu, Li, Collins, Li, Norman
Turbulence and Dynamo in Galaxy Cluster Medium: Implications on the Origin of Cluster Magnetic Fields
2009 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 698 1 L14-L17
Xu, Li, Collins, Li, Norman
Formation of X-Ray Cavities by the Magnetically Dominated Jet-Lobe System in a Galaxy Cluster
2008 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 681 2 L61
Xu, Li, Collins, Li, Norman
Physics of Thermonuclear Explosions: Magnetic Field Effects on Deflagration Fronts and Observable Consequences
2021 The Astrophysical Journal 923 2 210
Hristov, Hoeflich, Collins
Measuring an Off-center Detonation through Infrared Line Profiles: The Peculiar Type Ia Supernova SN 2020qxp/ASASSN-20jq
2021 The Astrophysical Journal 922 2 186
Hoeflich, Ashall, Bose, Baron, Stritzinger, Davis, Shahbandeh, Anand, Baade, Burns, Collins, Diamond, Fisher, Galbany, Hristov, Hsiao, Phillips, Shappee, Suntzeff, Tucker
Near-infrared Spectral Evolution of the Type Ia Supernova 2014J in the Nebular Phase: Implications for the Progenitor System
2018 The Astrophysical Journal 861 2 119
Diamond, Hoeflich, Hsiao, Sand, Sonneborn, Phillips, Hristov, Collins, Ashall, Marion, Stritzinger, Morrell, Gerardy, Penney
Magnetohydrodynamical Effects on Nuclear Deflagration Fronts in Type Ia Supernovae
2018 The Astrophysical Journal 858 1 13
Hristov, Collins, Hoeflich, Weatherford, Diamond
ENZO: An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Astrophysics (Version 2.6)
2019 The Journal of Open Source Software 4 42 1636
Brummel-Smith, Bryan, Butsky, Corlies, Emerick, Forbes, Fujimoto, Goldbaum, Grete, Hummels, Kim, Koh, Li, Li, Li, OShea, Peeples, Regan, Salem, Schmidt, Simpson, Smith, Tumlinson, Turk, Wise, Abel, Bordner, Cen, Collins, Crosby, Edelmann, Hahn, Harkness, Harper-Clark, Kong, Kritsuk, Kuhlen, Larrue, Lee, Meece, Norman, Oishi, Paschos, Peruta, Razoumov, Reynolds, Silvia, Skillman, Skory, So, Tasker, Wagner, Wang, Xu, Zhao
ENZO: An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Astrophysics
2014 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement 211 2 19
Bryan, Norman, O'Shea, Abel, Wise, Turk, Reynolds, Collins, Wang, Skillman, Smith, Harkness, Bordner, Kim, Kuhlen, Xu, Goldbaum, Hummels, Kritsuk, Tasker, Skory, Simpson, Hahn, Oishi, So, Zhao, Cen, Li, Enzo Collaboration
Cosmological Adaptive Mesh Refinement Magnetohydrodynamics with Enzo
2010 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement 186 2 308-333
Collins, Xu, Norman, Li, Li